Emergency Election Legislation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 5, 2020    
Senator Cheryl C. Kagan
District 17 (Rockville & Gaithersburg)
Statement on Troubling Problems in Tuesday’s Special Election
Emergency Bill (SB362) to be heard in Senate EHEA Committee Thursday
“I have recently learned of the serious problems in yesterday’s Special Election caused by risky new technology mandated by the State Board of Elections. Only the six largest jurisdictions are being required to install wireless devices that may cause delays for voters and vulnerability for the system.
“On Monday in Iowa, I witnessed the fiasco of failed technology in a Presidential primary. We all waited for Caucus results that are still incomplete two days later.  
“Tomorrow, the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee will hear SB362, an emergency bill to eliminate the need for these routers that could cause security risks and significant disruptions.”
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About Sen. Cheryl C. Kagan
Senator Kagan (D-District 17) is in her second term representing Gaithersburg and Rockville. She serves as the Vice Chair of the Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee. Kagan has earned a reputation as an independent-minded legislator with a strong voice for her constituents on public safety, consumer protection, election reform, and more. Kagan is active on social media and can be found on Facebook at Sen. Cheryl Kagan, on Twitter at @CherylKagan, and on Instagram at @CherylCKagan.