In Focus: National Nonprofit Legislative Caucus

August 21, 2023

National Council of Nonprofits | Nonprofit Champion

National Nonprofit Legislative Caucus

Nonprofits play vital roles in communities yet are too often overlooked in legislation and policymaking. The National Nonprofit Legislative Caucus is an open, bipartisan, and bicameral group of state legislators dedicated to overcome that oversight by supporting the work of charitable nonprofits and the people they serve. The Caucus was created in partnership with Maryland State Senator Cheryl Kagan and the National Council of Nonprofits to convene state legislators from across the country to identify legislative solutions to challenges charitable nonprofits face in working to advance their missions, such as government grants and contract reform, starting state nonprofit caucuses, increasing audit thresholds, including nonprofits in small business legislation, and keeping nonprofits independent from state governments. The Caucus enables lawmakers to share positive legislative ideas to benefit nonprofit organizations in their respective states. If you are a state legislator or know of one who should join, contact Tiffany Gourley Carter for more information.

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