Fighting for the Environment, One Bill at a Time!

February 4, 2022
Dear Friend:
12 bill hearings down, 18 more to go! Read on to learn about this week’s events.
Praying & Shadowing
At my invitation, Rev. Barry Moultrie from Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Rockville came to Annapolis and inspired the Senate with his invocation. He and his daughter stayed for the bulk of the day, giving them the chance to watch their Senator in action!
Protecting the Environment
I had three bill hearings this week on my bills related to environmental issues:
SB246: When there’s snow and ice, we use salt to keep us from slipping. Using too much of it damages the environment, our buildings, pipes, and vehicles. My bill requires professional contractors to become “Smart Salt” certified.
SB268: Pesticides are harmful to public health and our environment. In current law, pesticides are regulated exclusively by the Department of Agriculture. My bill proposes to shift this authority to the Department of the Environment in collaboration with the Departments of Agriculture and Health.
SB321: In November, the remains of a synthetic turf field were abandoned in the parking lot of Rockville Sports Arena. Illegal dumping of these toxic materials is far too common. My bill would create a chain of custody so that the Department of Environment could monitor the use and disposal of synthetic turf.
Pictured: illegally dumped turf in the parking lot of Rockville Sports Arena
Sponsoring “NextGen 9-1-1” Legislation
Senator “Big Ed” Reilly (R) has served on the Next Generation 9-1-1 Commission that I chair since its inception four years ago. Together, we filed our last piece of Commission-endorsed, comprehensive legislation to enhance public safety. I am grateful to have bipartisan support on these important bills to help save lives!
Last night, two of my emergency election bills passed unanimously in my Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee! They will make their way to the full Senate for a vote next week. These bills would regulate recounts in close elections; increase transparency in fundraising; and allow voters to fix a missing ballot signature.
Celebrating our Diversity
This month, we celebrate our black community and those who made sacrifices for human rights including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Congressman John Lewis, and countless other sheroes and heroes. Check out the events around Montgomery County and consider supporting Maryland’s minority and women-owned businesses.
Please follow me on Facebook (@CherylCKagan)Twitter (@CherylKagan), and Instagram (@CherylCKagan) for photos and posts. My new website has information about COVID; Unemployment Insurance assistance; internships; scholarships; and more. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to be notified of new episodes of “Kibbitzing with Kagan.” And, you can always send questions or comments to me via email.
Cheryl C. Kagan
State Senator, District 17
(Gaithersburg & Rockville)
PS: Have you heard? The Washington Football Team is now the Washington Commanders! It sounds a little too militaristic to me, but it’s better than the former, offensive name.