So Proud

December 8, 2021
Dear Friend:
Every time I introduce myself at a legislative or community event, I say, “I’m Cheryl Kagan, very proud to be the Senator for Gaithersburg & Rockville.” (Or, I’ll switch it up to “Rockville & Gaithersburg.”)
Those aren’t just words. I am truly proud to represent the hard-working, thoughtful, diverse residents of two of Maryland’s four largest cities. My legislative district runs up Metro’s Red Line. It encompasses much of the State’s Technology Corridor. It hosts Montgomery College and top-notch public schools. Important nonprofit organizations providing food, job training, housing, and arts are based here.
Today, I filed paperwork with the State Board of Elections to run for reelection!
I plan to run a vigorous and visible campaign. In addition to my own race, I will continue to support the candidacy of other common-sense progressive Democrats.
If my constituents choose to “renew my four-year contract” in 2022, I will continue to focus on issues like upgrading our 9-1-1 public safety systems; advocating for the nonprofit sector; acting to address the climate crisis; expanding telehealth; reforming our election laws; protecting consumers; and much more.
Thank you for the honor of representing you. I hope to continue to make you proud as your State Senator!
Cheryl C. Kagan
State Senator, District 17
Rockville & Gaithersburg
PS: Care to learn more about why I enjoy being a Senator? Watch this week’s episode of “Kibbitzing with Kagan” featuring my Chair, Senator Paul Pinsky. We chatted about education, the climate crisis, redistricting, and much more!