Protecting Consumers & Voters… and more! — August 27, 2020

August 27, 2020
Dear Friend:
I hope many of you tuned into the Virtual Democratic National Convention last week. It was inspiring to hear from dozens of impressive speakers including Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris. Out of civic duty and a desire to be well-informed, I have been tolerating this week’s Republican National Convention and tweeting about it. (Thank goodness there’s only one day left of extremists yelling at us through the television set!)
Relying On Our Post Office for the Election!
As we cheer for the candidates of our choice, we must prepare for our most fundamental civil responsibility: VOTING. Maryland’s election vendor began mailing ballot applications to residents this week. Please keep an eye out it for this form and return the postage-paid application as quickly as possible. You may also request your ballot online at any time prior to October 20th.
Defending the Postal Service
Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh announced that he is filing a lawsuit against the Trump Administration for undermining the U.S. Postal Service. Eliminating staff overtime; slowing operations at State distribution centers; and removing critical mail-sorting equipment are catastrophic policies that will affect all of us. I applaud Frosh’s effort to protect our Postal Service, which delivers medication, Social Security checks, and ballots for the Presidential Election.
Demanding Transparency… Especially During a Pandemic
2020 has been a year of extraordinary new challenges. In a time of heightened cynicism and accusations of “fake news,” there is an urgent need for people to access their government. Over the past few years, Del. Korman and I have enacted legislation requiring increased transparency for key State agencies. Because it’s vital that the public trusts its government, I plan to sponsor even stronger transparency legislation next year.
Safeguarding Our Assets
COVID-related consumer rip-offs have recently increased in our area. Please be wary of any phone call or email that asks for your personal information (especially a Social Security Number) in order to receive “stimulus” benefits. If you have fallen victim to such a scam, please contact the Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection immediately.
Launching A New Tool to Save Lives
In case you missed the important news, you may now text to 9-1-1 anywhere in Maryland in case of an emergency! Calling remains infinitely more effective; if you can’t speak, you can now send a text. For the past six years, I have been dedicated to updating our State’s emergency response systems. I recorded a video to share this groundbreaking announcement. Marylanders in crisis will now have another option when they need police, fire, or paramedics.

If you enjoy my weekly updates, please consider following me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for photos and posts. If you have any questions or comments, send me an email!
Cheryl C. Kagan
State Senator, District 17
(Gaithersburg & Rockville)
PS: Have you thought about shifting to solar energy? Learn more about a Montgomery County Co-op to see whether solar panels might work for your home. The deadline is August 31st.