PRESS RELEASE: 9-1-1 Commissioners Finalize 2020 Recommendations

9-1-1 Commissioners Finalize 2020 Recommendations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 16, 2020 
Senator Cheryl C. Kagan
District 17 (Rockville & Gaithersburg)
Maryland’s NG911 Commission will meet virtually on Wednesday, November 18th from 11am-3pm. Members will be voting on subcommittee-created recommendations relating to staffing & training; technology & cybersecurity; oversight & accountability; and funding & structure. The Commission’s deliberations will be live-streamed in compliance with Maryland’s Open Meetings law on:
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
11:00am-3:00pm (with a potential break for subcommittee meetings)
In its third year of dedicated service, the Commission is comprised of 9-1-1 Center directors, technology and telecommunications industry representatives, cybersecurity professionals, a bipartisan group of legislators, and other stakeholders– all who have a hand in effectively transitioning to Next Generation 9-1-1 technology in Maryland. Inspired by the death of Rockville activist and District 17 resident Carl Henn due to a 9-1-1 failure, Sen. Cheryl Kagan (D-D/17) serves as Chair of the Commission.
Despite the early adjournment in March, the General Assembly passed four of the Senator’s bills, endorsed by the Commission. The new laws, among several issues, extended the Commission’s duration for two more years to oversee the implementation of NG911; study any unforeseen complications; and endorse needed legislation.
“The Commission has had a very successful first two years, but there is still much more to be done,” said Sen. Cheryl Kagan. “Our agenda includes a wide variety of critical issues related to supporting the mental health of 9-1-1 Specialists; updating our Geographic Information Systems; ensuring that any phone can call 9-1-1 without a prefix; and shifting the placement of the 9-1-1 Board.”
Agenda (as of 11/16/2020)
1. Welcome and Opening Remarks
  • Senator Kagan, Chair
  • Steve Souder, Vice Chair
2. Roll Call/Introductions
3. Recommendation Votes
  • Technology & Cybersecurity Subcommittee
  • Staffing & Training Subcommittee
  • Oversight & Accountability
  • Finance & Structure
4. Breakout Session (if needed)
5. Outstanding Recommendation Votes
  • Technology & Cybersecurity Subcommittee
  • Staffing & Training Subcommittee
  • Oversight & Accountability
  • Finance & Structure
6. Pending issues not yet finalized
7. Closing Comments
  • Report Timelines
  • Closing Remarks

About Senator Cheryl C. Kagan: Senator Kagan (D) represents District 17, Rockville and Gaithersburg. She is the Vice Chair of the Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee and Chair of Maryland’s Next Generation 9-1-1 Commission. The Maryland Association of Counties recognized Senator Kagan for her leadership on 9-1-1 and other key local government priorities in 2018. She was also named the 2018 National 9-1-1 Leader by the Next Generation 9-1-1 Institute.

Chair of the Commission Sen. Cheryl C. Kagan and Vice Chair Steve Souder
are leading a group of public safety experts from across Maryland 
in examining how to transition to NG911.

Commission Chair Sen. Cheryl C. Kagan and Vice Chair Steve Souder
are leading a group of public safety experts from across Maryland
in examining how to transition to NG911.