Looking Forward… and Back: June 24, 2015

Dear Friends:
A year ago today, I won my hotly contested campaign for State Senate.  Since then, we have accomplished much together.  From increasing Maryland’s organ donation rates to mandating fertility parity for married lesbian couples; and from securing much-needed funding for group homes for the disabled to protecting nonprofit organizations and advocating for municipalities, it has been a very busy and exciting year so far.  With your advice and support, I know we will accomplish much more in the years to come!

With Rep. Chris Van Hollen
With Rep. Chris Van Hollen

Earlier this year, U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski announced her retirement.  We are grateful for her remarkable 44 years of service to our state and our country.  Although there may be other choices to succeed her, I am writing to share my strong belief that none is more qualified, nor better equipped, to be our next Senator than Congressman Chris Van Hollen.   
Chris’s lengthy track record, first in the Maryland legislature and then in Congress, is testament to his unwavering commitment to the state of Maryland and hard-working American families.  He is known as a staunch advocate for education, veterans, the environment, health care, civil liberties, and small businesses.  I know that as our Senator, Chris will do even more to make a difference.
Over the years, you have probably seen Chris in the national media as a Democratic leader on a wide range of issues– and particularly on our nation’s budget.  He is widely respected as a common sense, progressive Democrat who can get things done.  If he’s able to build bridges in a do-nothing Congress of 435 people, imagine what he could do in the 100-member Senate!

Chris and me with some of our campaign team.
Chris and me with some of our campaign team.

I hope you will join me in endorsing Chris’s candidacy.  We need your support now!  June 30th is a critical fundraising deadline for the Van Hollen campaign.  Pundits will be watching and assessing the viability of his candidacy.  Donations of any amount will make a difference.  Please contribute here today!

I am confident in Chris’s ability to represent us with the passion and professionalism that has characterized his career.  Countless others have already endorsed him, and I hope you all will join me in supporting Chris Van Hollen for U.S. Senate before June 30th.  Thank you for whatever you can do to help elect this remarkably effective Congressman and hopefully soon-to-be U.S. Senator!
All the best,
Cheryl C. Kagan
State Senator
District 17 (Rockville & Gaithersburg)
PS:  I won’t email you often during the summer, feel free to stay in touch with me via Facebook at State Senator Cheryl C. Kagan, on Twitter at @CherylKagan, and on Instagram at @CherylCKagan.