A Real Shot in the Arm?

March 20, 2021
Dear Friend:
It’s hard to believe that this week marked one year since the General Assembly adjourned early for the first time since the Civil War. Who would have guessed that we would still be in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic a year later? As things continue to improve, remember to wear a mask; stay socially distanced; and get your vaccine when it is available to you!

Pushing for Vaccine Equity
County Executive Marc Elrich announced this week that Montgomery County was finally getting a mass vaccination site. Unfortunately, Governor Hogan disagreed, saying that it is not a “done deal.” It is outrageous that Maryland’s most populous jurisdiction still doesn’t have a mass vaccination site. County health officials anticipate that the site will ultimately be equipped to inject 3,000 vaccine doses per day, seven days a week.
Condemning Racial Hate Crimes
I continue to be heartbroken about the hate crimes targeted against any community. From the African-American parishioners murdered at Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston SC to the Jews killed while praying in Pittsburgh to the gays and lesbians shot down in Florida to the enormous increase in violence against Asian-Americans, these acts are TOTALLY unacceptable and must stop! 

Closing in on Crossover!
“Crossover Day” is Monday, March 22nd. By then, legislation must have passed through the chamber of origin (Senate or House). With only 25 days remaining, any potential slowdown could prevent a bill from passing. I am grateful that 11 of my bills have already passed through the Senate!
Honoring a Local Hero
This week, I invited my Rockville letter carrier, Bernie Egerson, to be honored with a Senate Resolution. Not only does Bernie deliver the mail, but he brings joy to the residents along his route. More than that, his heroic actions helped save lives and property when a fire started in one of the homes in my community. Especially during the pandemic, I was proud to shine a light on workers like Bernie for their dedication to public service. 

Please follow me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for photos and posts. My website has information about local Coronavirus efforts, internships, scholarships, and more. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to be notified of new episodes of “Kibbitzing with Kagan.” And, you can always send questions or comments to me via email.

Cheryl C. Kagan
State Senator, District 17
(Gaithersburg & Rockville)
PS: I am incredibly honored that the American Jewish Committee (AJC) is honoring me with the prestigious 2021 Hyman Bookbinder Award for advocacy and public service. Consider supporting and “attending” this virtual event next month?