11 Days To Go! (March 29, 2018)

March 29, 2018
Dear Friend:
Like many of you, I participated in last weekend’s March for Our Lives. It was inspiring to see young leaders organizing, speaking out, and advocating for new federal gun control laws. In DC and across the country, a large and diverse crowd demanded action. Throughout my career, I have worked for stricter gun laws in order to keep us safe. I lobbied with Jim & Sarah Brady to enact the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban in Congress. If you couldn’t attend the March, I encourage you to read some of the most inspiring speeches. Here are a few of my favorite signs:
Many marchers made clever or
powerful signs to express their support
for life-saving gun control legislation.
Southern Maryland’s Great Mills High is
recuperating from its recent school
shooting. Students marched in memory
of their slain classmate, Jaelynn Willey.
This was a particularly powerful and thought-provoking poster.

Senate Considers Gun-Related Proposals to Enhance Safety

In the aftermath of the school shooting in Southern Maryland, the Senate held hearings on several reasonable safety and gun control measures. Witnesses testified on bills to prevent violence by:
  • improving mental health screening and threat assessment;
  • ensuring that all public schools have safety officers;
  • funding security features like lockable classroom doors; and,
  • restricting access to guns for those likely to be a danger to themselves or others.
Make Your Voice Heard on Election Day Voter Registration
This November, Maryland voters will decide on a Constitutional amendment that would allow same-day voter registration. If it passes, unregistered citizens would be permitted to register and cast a ballot on Election Day. Current law allows this only during Early Voting. Be sure you’re registered!
Baltimore’s 9-1-1 Center Hacked!
Last weekend, we were reminded (again!) why upgrades to 9-1-1 are so important. Baltimore’s emergency dispatch system, which greatly reduces the time it takes for First Responders to arrive after a call, was attacked with “ransomware.” For 16 long hours, the system was shut down and replaced by manual dispatch. In our increasingly connected world, we must endeavor to protect our public safety infrastructure from hackers. That’s why I included cybersecurity in the mission of my proposed 9-1-1 Commission. Both the House and the Senate passed the bill unanimously, and I look forward to seeing the recommendations for both hardening the security of our systems and training staff in how to keep them secure.
Funding Improvements to Rockville’s Senior Center
Each year, the legislature allocates capital funding for projects across the State. Rockville’s Senior Center is widely used by residents for events, classes, candidate debates, and more! Unfortunately, it is not fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I have earned State funds to ensure that everyone can access this important community resource!
Please watch for my updates as we approach the end of the session. You can also follow me on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram for photos and posts. You can check my website for information about internships, Senatorial Scholarships, and more. And, you can always send questions or comments to me via email.
Cheryl C. Kagan
State Senator, District 17
(Rockville & Gaithersburg)
P.S. Would you join me in supporting this year’s Rockville MS Walk? For over 20 years, I have participated in order to raise funds for researching new therapies; helping patients receive treatment; and raising awareness about this chronic illness. Thanks for your help!!